Sunday, March 3, 2013

ロストファンタジア - piichica (確定P)

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Karaoke: (Piapro acct. necessary)
Upload Date: 02/27/13
Vocals: 初音ミク - Hatsune Miku
Composer: piichica (確定P) - piichica (KakuteiP)
Illustrator & Movie: 真理恵 - MariA
Mastering: 吉田省吾 - Yoshida Shōgo

Author's Comments
"The thing which two people obtained who had sought Utopia was a mere illusion."

Lost Fantasia

She aimed for far-off beyond the sky and vanished.
The traveler no longer has a place to return to--
I'm sorry. I'm just envying it a bunch today too.
While I am watching you no matter what time it is--

Even if we are far, far apart someday, I'll find you without fail,
Since I'll totally forget about even my yearnings that piled up.
And so, go around, go around. Let's burn our limited lives and go on living.
The miracle that we half-grasped is, yes, an illusory Fantasia.

These feelings will one day, yes, discolor and vanish too,
Although I didn't understand that kind of a thing.
Though many years have passed by since then,
I bet you haven't forgotten me? More than that cute girl.

Even if we are far, far apart someday, I'll find you without fail.
My loveliness that accumulated and accumulated too is now beyond the sky--
And so, go around, go around. Let's go on living en route of our journey without looking back.
Don't let go of my hand you've grasped, now here on out.

In the case that someday, someday, someday, someday I can see you,
Then I can totally forget my sadness that accumulated and accumulated too, see.
And so, go around, go around. Let's burn our limited lives and go on living.
The miracle we were meant to grasp is, yes, an illusory Fantasia.