Tuesday, January 15, 2013

body PAINTING - 藤本薪

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Upload Date: 08/04/12
Vocals: 初音ミク - Hatsune Miku
Composer: 藤本薪 - Fujihon Maki
Illustrator: あゐぬ - Awinu
Movie: えむめろ - Emumelo

Author's Comments
"I want to be, 'kay."

body PAINting

I'll add one more line.
Since I'm ugly, I'll add a line.
I'll add a line to my left arm.
I'll write the rest of my lifeline.

I'll add one more line.
I'll reveal the depth in my life.
I'll add a line to my left arm.
I'll dye it vibrantly.

It hurts, it hurts, it hurts.
I do not, though, expect
To not want to be anywhere.
I hate it, hate it, hate it.
I hate it all.
Make me forget and cover it with stimulus.

It's by my side at any given time.
I live depending on pain.
Within every lurid day,
The spider threads I start drawing.

Say I cut, though it isn't in sight;
Say I lived, since there isn't any help,
Since there isn't any help.

Since I'll add kana to it now,
Read my name properly, 'kay.

They just multiplied.
I just got lame.
I just went away.
I just got used to it.
I just ran away.
I just shed tears.

With that,
With that,
Next is--
Next is--
Next is--

It's by my side at any given time.
I live depending on pain.
Within every cruel day,
In ugly colors so as to not feel out of it;

Say they festered, though I am unable to stop it;
Say I died, since there's no alternative,
Since there's no alternative.

It hurts.
It hurts.
It hurts.
It hurts.
I want to be.