Tuesday, January 15, 2013

氷の泉の眠り姫 (-36℃) - お家

MP3: Click "MP3 を抽出"
Upload Date: 01/11/13
Vocals: 初音ミク - Hatsune Miku append
Composer: お家 - O'uchi
Illustrator: 七宮ひな子 - Nanamiya Hinako
Font Designer: 京風子 - Keiko

Sleeping Beauty of the Ice Spring (-36℃)

Within a deep forest is the frozen
Bottom of a spring. The place where Sleeping Beauty waits.

An old castle. A rusted town.
BIRDS that fly through the sky sing,
A lullaby of sadness,
So as to refuse a warm atmosphere (wind).

A quiet land of ice. A very tranquil land.
A spring that grants wishes. It is said to be there.

The people of a greedy land of fire.
Eternal splendor.
They want it so the land of ice sears.

On the bank of the spring that grants wishes.
The Princess of the land of ice.
So as to not be used as a spring of calamity,
They sacrificed that body of hers.

The spring of wishes within a deep forest.
It freezes
And will never thaw out again.

As the Princess sank,
She fell into a deep sleep.
The spring was one day totally forgotten.

It goes away toward a quiet forest.