Friday, October 25, 2013

オリオンの夢 - buzzG

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Karaoke: (Piapro acct. necessary)
Upload Date: 10/10/13
Vocals: Gumi
Composer: buzzG
Illustrator & Movie: モゲラッタ- Mogelatte
Bassist: Kei Nakamura
Engineer: 友達募集P - TomodachiBoshūP

A Dream of Orion

My hand being taken when you said
you wanted to see the Orion constellation on the road
that continued to the old school building,
Our very own secret clubhouse
was just like an observatory.
It seemed like it could be reached.

Your face that crumples up
and laughs that I'd reach it
if I stretched my hand out.
I haven't forgotten
since then, even now
when time has flowed.

When the snow falls,
your coat
turns your silhouette into one.
We grasp hands.
That's a SIGN.

Let's be stars like this
If I had ever been able
to say that at that time,
I would've just known
that we wouldn't reach it.
Our Orion.

While playing a guitar in the music room
where no one was after school,
"I can't live well no matter what I do."
A mistaken chord echoed.

With white breaths
and the musical scale of the school bell,
I had a feeling
That our nonexistent hearts
Could be connected.

Let's wait for the night like this
Let's have a dream
in a sky of CONTRAST.
I wonder if we're
changing into adults
In exchange for those kinds of days.

Even if everything turns to ash before we know it,
and even if our era discolors,
Its sparkle that can't be dirtied
is the distant day's Alnilam.

Come to school.

I locked away the things too
Secret clubhouse, look.
I didn't want to forget in the light of tens
Of thousands of years ago.

Let's be stars like this forever.
Let's cry and laugh with ordinary songs.
I'd believed forever that we'd reach it.
Our Orion.

Though the two of us parted after that,
And though our secret clubhouse no longer remains,
There's a thing I don't want to forget even if everything is gone.

Even if we become stars before we know it,
And even if we don't have freakin' eternal lives,
Let me have the dream of that one day.
Our Orion.