Friday, September 6, 2013

アワオドリ - ATOLS

Awa Odori is Japan's largest dance festival, which takes place in the Tokushima prefecture.
Raijin is a Japanese god of thunder.
umibōzu is a Japanese sea entity that will capsize a ship if any occupants speak of it.

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Upload Date: 08/27/13
Vocals: 初音ミク - Hatsune Miku append
Composer: ATOLS

Author's Comments
"Ever since one year ago, this starts to overflow inside my head when it becomes summer, so I made it thinking that it is fate."


Raijin in midsummer.
The white princess of the white night.
One hundred offshoots, yeah.
Tonight, come, dance.
Hah-hah. Come, heave-ho.

Looks like it's the summer festival.
Make merry, Umibōzu.
Courtesans. Catgirls.
Seems like there's star fireworks.

The death agony of the gods.
Listen up. Cover your ears.
The flower dancers and
Sending a shadow to a dream.
A perpetual outburst from crickets.
Wartime lightning.
Hot blood, seethe.
It's the ends of the summer.

As one--

Arrive, nil day.
It's the ends of the summer.
Arrive, fulfilling day.
It's the ends of the summer.