Saturday, June 9, 2012

ワンサイドゲーム - note

Upload Date: 06/07/12
Vocals: IA
Composer: note
Movie: setu

One-Sided Game

Since I was only showing off my scars,
I understood that no one wholly believed me.
Waffling so that I won't have my uncertainty exposed,
I pretended to be just a little tough.

If it could be conveyed, the unspeakable reason
Of me wanting to speak in the gap of my selfish desires,
Then I'd ramify according to difference in skill.
My bed is a very cold place.

If just that moment--

A one-sided game that stood still in a daze.
Blocking the way of the heartless status quo, you laugh.
The advantage of loafing around in one's imagination,
Upset it. Exceed the common belief.

A one-sided game that advances a spot through emotion.
I who made the heartless status quo am again
A coward. The interval that asks towards tomorrow.
Protect this path of retreat.

Since I was only showing off my scars,
I wished that somebody would believe me.
I finally notice that my uncertainty was exposed.
My prolonged scars vanish.

The reason of me being unable to speak in the gap of my selfish desires,
The hands, time is unable to manage it.
I ramified according to difference in skill.
And my bed is a very cold place...

If just that moment--

A one-sided game that stood still in a daze.
Blocking the way of the heartless status quo, you laugh.
The advantage of loafing around in one's imagination,
Upset it. Exceed the common belief.

A one-sided game that advances a spot through emotion.
I who was making the heartless status quo am still
Not ended. The interval that asks towards tomorrow.
This path of retreat is unnecessary. I, I'll get you--