Sunday, June 30, 2013

新宿ソリチュード - 亜沙

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Karaoke: (Piapro acct. necessary)
Upload Date: 06/28/13
Vocals: IA
Chorus: MAYU
Composer & Bassist: 亜沙 - Asa
Illustrator & Movie: 小山乃舞世 - Koyamano Maiyo
Guitarist: 広末慧 - Hirosue Kei
Keyboardist: ヒモの人 (スタトラ) - Himo-no-Hito (Sutatora)

Shinjuku Solitude

I'm walking through Yasukuni.
The rain fell on Shinjuku.
At a convenience store, see, I bought an umbrella,
a cheap 500¥ umbrella.
I give a sideways glance to Kabukichō,
I'm bound for the Seibu line--
I'm all alone.
This town that has nothing already has nothing.

A room dyed in alone, lonely solitude.
I still don't want to go back.

Tokyo is caught in the rain after it being cloudy.
Is the town where you are already clear now, I wonder?
While looking up at the cluster of buildings in Shinjuku, I suddenly
Remember you, though the rain won't stop.

I'm walking through the east entrance. I'm pushing my way through a crowd of umbrellas.
I'm all alone. This town that has nothing already has nothing.

A room dyed in alone, lonely solitude.
Ah, where are you?

Tokyo is caught in the rain
after it being cloudy.
Can I one day go back to that time
when I was there, I wonder?
I strum on my Fender,
in the awakening of love
That was supposed to pierce through my dried-up heart and give up.

Tokyo is caught in the rain after it being cloudy.
Is the town where you are already clear now, I wonder?
While looking up at the cluster
of buildings in Shinjuku, I suddenly
Remember you,
though the rain won't stop.

When one day the rain stops and it clears up,
Give a goodbye to me the lonely person.